© JL







                Act_Org.exe is part of package Actuators Organizer and in its algorithm is hidden power of years of experience.

                Act_Org.exe prepares data for next using in world standard software as

                               STEP 7 © SIEMENS

                               WinCC © SIEMENS

                               InTouch © Wonderware




                After feeding Act_Org.exe with appropriate information  ( input data ) five text files are created


LIST OF ACTUATORS is used as input data. List can be fed to Act_Org.exe either as "csv" file

or across clipboard. Before starting the project programmer has to be fed with some appropriate information

which usually are given by project designer. These information are :


Symbol - unique !!!  identifier of actuator ; for maximum exploitation of this tool create the symbol

according to the following rules.

Comment … description of actuator - it is used as comment field where comment can be used ( STEP 7, InTouch )

Type …              M - pump, fan, conveyor …

                               V - valve, flap, …

MR - reversible motor …

MQ – motor with freq. converter ( NO PID, if PID is used then freq. converter is driven

          by block for analog input treatment )

VR – valve with “middle” position ( two outputs ), pneumatic cylinder …






                Input data can be passed to Act_Org.exe  in three ways either by opening "csv"  file where particular data

are separated by comma "," , by copying as table to clipboard in  MS Excel  and pasting in Act_Org.exe to

table for input data or writing this data to Input Data Table by hand.


Table of LIST OF ACTUATORS  ( Act_shuttle.csv ) :






Liquid nitrogen pump : Q 12.3



Liquid oxygen pump : Q 12.7



Potable water pump 1 : Q 13.3



Potable water pump 2 : Q 13.7



Bread conveyor : Q 14.3



Coffee mill : Q 14.7



Ice cream dosing device : Q 16.0



Coffee maker hot water valve : Q 16.1



Tea maker hot water valve : Q 16.4





Rules for symbol creating.
























Fast STEP7 addressing


                On the Input Data page you can simply check and find out appropriate address of any attribute of the actuator.

Select requested actuator in table .In "Address  container " is then displayed immediately address of attribute in DB.

By clicking to edit field is the address copied to clipboard. After this you can paste it to S7 program in LAD,STL,FBD editor.


Open input data csv file.


                Open file by "OPEN" button    . After successful opening the Input DataTable is filled by your data.


If you want generate S7 program with real I/O assignment then the file name of I/O TABLE must correspond to file name of LIST OF ACTUATOR with sub extension _io.csv

Example : if we have our LIST OF ACTUATOR in file :             shuttle.csv

   then I/O table must be in  file                                        shuttle_io.csv.








I/O labels MUST correspond to the “Labeling rules” if they are expected to be assigned automatically during generating STEP 7 source file.






INTOUCH setting .


                On InTouch setting page can be selected which attributes of actuator will be inserted to InTouch tag database.

Default setting contains all attributes selected. This selection / deselection is done by checking checkbox at

particular attribute label.

This setting has no relation to generating datablock. Datablock is generated always in full length i.e.

with all attributes.






For application name and topic name see InTouch © Wonderware - x.csv file for DBLOAD tool





WinCC setting .


On WinCC setting page can be selected which attributes of actuator will be inserted to WinCC tag database.

Default setting contains all attributes selected. This selection / deselection is done by checking checkbox at

particular attribute label.

This setting has no relation to generating datablock. Datablock is generated always in full length i.e.

with all attributes.






For  connection name see Win CC ©  SIEENS - x_vex.csv file for VARIABLE IMPORT tool





Generation action .


                Once an input data are in Input Data Table the button "GENERATE"    can be pressed.

If input data was pasted from clipboard or was typed by hand you are asked to find directory where the

output files are stored.

If input data was opened from "csv" file than output  data are placed to the same directory with using input

file name.


During generation action the program goes through LIST OF ACTUATOR and create for them


- FUCNTIONS with basic motor / valve operations.


The functions (FCs) which are "linked" to the source file are read from ActFCs.awl , stored in your Act_org application directory. Therefore the inner of FCs can be changed by user according his demand.


After installation of the package standard FCs are placed in ActFCs.awl.


Interface ( parameters ) of FC may NOT be changed otherwise data inconsistency will occurred and S7 program will not be compiled successfully.













For example :       Your input file has name "shuttle.csv"  and it is stored in C:\PLCDATA\MARS\  directory.

                               Five files are created after generation:


                               1. C:\PLCDATA\MARS\shuttle.awl                                  … text file for Source file Editor STEP 7 only UDT and DB

                               2. C:\PLCDATA\MARS\shuttle_proccess.awl          … text file for Source file Editor STEP 7 UDT, DB, and all FCs

                               3. C:\PLCDATA\MARS\shuttle_InT.csv         …csv file  for InTouch DBLOAD tool

                               4. C:\PLCDATA\MARS\shuttle_vex.csv                   … csv file for WinCC IMPORT tool

                               5. C:\PLCDATA\MARS\shuttle_cex.csv                   … csv file for WinCC IMPORT tool